Sunday 25 March 2018



                                                                     GLOSSARY UNIT 4
Take off: when the airplane is separated from the surface.
Skyscraper: very tall building with a lot of floors.
To run over: is when a car pass over some one or animal or collides with them.
Priest: religious person prepared to celebrate and offciate the rite of mass.
Forbide: to stop the use of a thing.
Blind: when a person hasn't got sight.
Ostrich: Runner bird that can reach 2 m, with long and strong legs.
Hive:Place where bees live and make honey combs.


  • What can I do that I couldn't do before?
      I can post a powerpoint in a blog.

  • Can I understand information of LISTENINGS?

  • Can I write a brief paragraph?

  • Can I SPEAK using vocabulary and grammar learnt this term?
Yes, I can speak using vocabulary and grammar learnt this term very well.

  • Can I understand information from READINGS?
Very well.

  • What do I like most?
I like most Michael's lessons or the days that we write the book.

  • What do I do well?
I do well translation of some sentences

  • What am I confused about?
I confused about the meaning of some words about the weather.

  • What do I need help with?
I need help with the pronunciation of some words and how to make a writing better.

  • What do I do in English outside the class?
Sometimes I practise with my brother.


Symmetry: Is when some shapes are a reflection of other. It´s only on same shapes.
Reflection symmetry: Is a quality of same shapes that consists in having an axis between two shapes, and it's like when you see you in a mirror.
Symmetry axis: Is when a line divides in two symmetrical parts. Every element of the shape is represented in the other part at the same distance from the axis. Symmetrical points are on perpendicular lines to it.
Central symmetry: Its a reflection of a shape without an axis, so there is a symmetry centre. Every element of the shape is represented in the other part at the same distance from the symmetry centre. Symmetrical points are collinear with the centre.
Geometric symmetry: Is a kind of symmetry which follows accurately (presition9 the geometric symmetry rules.
Apparent symmetry: Is a quality of shapes or objectswhich shows an obvious symmetry, but not every elements follows this rules. It happens very frecuently in nature.
Symmetrical balance: Is a way to organize parts of an image, picture or drawing, so one side mirrors (duplicates) the other. The opposite way is called Asymmetrical balance.



  • Why don´t we play basketball?
  • Shall we study English?
  • How/What about go swimming?
  • Let´s listen to music.

Accepting                        Refusing
That´s a great idea!         Oh, I´m afraid I can´t.
Yes, I´d love to...              Well, I´d prefer not.
Sure. Let´s do that.          If you don´t mind, I´d rather not.
Of course!                        I wish I could, but...
Good idea!                       No thanks.
Lovely!                             I don´t feel like it.
Awesome!                        I´m very busy.
Sounds good!                  That´s a bad idea.
Interesting!                       I don´t want to do that.



Kindergarden: guardería
Slippers: zapatillas de estar en casa
Disabled: discapacitado
To register: to check who is at school
Canteen: is a place to eat at school
Go + verbs ending in -ing (swimming)
Play + sports with ball (basketball)
Do + martial arts (judo)

Tuesday 20 March 2018

the puntillism

What is Puntillismo:
Pointillism, also known as neo-impressionism, dot painting or divisionism, was a painting technique created in France, in the mid-1880s, in which it consists of the decomposition of tones based on tiny brushstrokes, similar to small points of colors. The word puntillismo is of French origin pointillisme.

The technique of pointillism was developed from the impressionist movement and focuses on the production of color through juxtaposed brushstrokes, that is, because the colors are pure and never mix with each other but the viewer is the one who does it. However, the evolution of impressionism to pointillism is due to the scientific studies of Michel Chevreul (1786-1889), he published his work Of the law of the simultaneous contrast of colors (1839) and Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) investigated on the theory of colorful vision trichromatic (1878).

Characteristics of pointillism
As was previously said, pointillism was a technique created from the impressionist movement, so the decomposition of colors and luminosity, the way to create the dimension and depth, as well as the preference to make the paintings outdoors with the In order to capture light and color are characteristics attributed to that movement.

However, pointillism is more focused on the geometric cut or the scientific search for color to obtain more luminous tones that allow light and heat to be transmitted. Also, pointillism used the juxtaposition of primary colors separated by very small white spaces that ends up mixing the images and colors, producing a third color, which seeing the painting at a distance allows a dotted image to be continued to be mixed in the eyes of the observer , which produces the impression of a whole.

Therefore, the tone is the decomposition from the primary colors, which allow to arise secondary colors that constitute the shape of the represented objects, once the prismatic alteration of the color enhances the impression and tones.

Representatives of pointillism and their works
The maximum representatives of pointillism were:

Paul Signac (1863-1935): considered as the father, creator, or initiator of pointillism. He painted among many works, The port of Marseille, The red buoy, Breakfast.
Georges Seurat (1859-1891): among his works highlights the circus, models, the Seine and the Big Jatte in spring.
Also, the artists were influenced by pointillism: Van Gogh (1853-1890), Henri Matisse (1869-1954) and Pablo Picasso (1881-1973).

Thursday 8 March 2018


EGG SANDWICH, ASPARAGUS AND ONION DWELLING Ingredients: 1 tablespoon butter 1 bunch of asparagus clean and in half 1 pinch of salt 1 pinch of pepper 8 slices of Saníssimo® zero gluten bread 4 tablespoons of mustard seed 4 eggs cooked, sliced 1/2 purple onion cut in pen 1 tablespoon fresh dill preparation: In a skillet over medium heat, cook the asparagus with the butter for 3 minutes or until soft, but continue to crack. Season and reserve. Place a spoonful of old mustard on a slice of bread, arrange the asparagus so that it does not come out. Add sliced ​​cooked egg, onion and dill, cover and offer.

Thursday 22 February 2018


Caretaker: a person who observe something
Head Teacher: the person who guide a school
Engineer: a person who invent something
Old-fashioned: objects that are very old